Boom! Boom! Boom!

Wordle 224 4/6


It’s DevConf.CZ day today!

I am always excited to speak at conferences. I think it has been a while since I went live on a conference apart from joining in on the panels for Meshery and Service Mesh Performance at KubeCon Project Office Hours.

Truth be told, I was a bit nervous as well. There were a lot of RSVPs to the session which included some very senior engineers.

The imposter syndrome kicked in on cue.

But, I think the session went well. I am waiting for it to be published on YouTube.

Here is the “photo of the day” featuring me taking an awkward screenshot while the session was being wrapped up.

DevConf.CZ - 29th January 2022
Photo of the day

DevConf.CZ - 29th January 2022

ABBA is so good. Here is your daily dose of ABBA.

I can see it in your eyes

How proud you were to fight for freedom in this land