I can’t go a day without seeing “10 Free Resources to Learn Web3” Tweets on my feed.

Web3 is the talk of the town these days. Regardless of which side of “Web3 is Bullshit ” you are on, you have to admit it is pretty cool.

I think it is.

I’m learning about blockchain technologies for a college course and I had a test today which forced me to dive in a little deeper on Sunday.

And of course, my thoughts spiralled into whether I should invest in crypto or stick to equities.

I think the next 10 years would be interesting for the blockchain space. There is a lot of capital money being poured in to blockchain based startups and there are a lot of people optimistic about Web3. People are investing in crypto and believe that they are the currencies of the future.

But, you can’t never really predict the future with a 100% certainty.

I haven’t involved myself a lot in this field but it is something I plan to try out in 2022.

I wonder what would happen?