I spent my Saturday working on my new blog post. It’s work-related, and I want to publish it on my blog.

Maybe I will publish everything I write here. Perhaps I shouldn’t. Anyway, everything I work on is open source, so there aren’t really any real issues.

This blog post I mentioned will have some diagrams. I could go the easy for now way and use a GUI tool to make one. Or, I could make my diagrams maintainable by writing “code” instead of drawing.

The best solution, after some research, was to use Mermaid , which is a:

JavaScript based diagramming and charting tool that renders Markdown-inspired text definitions to create and modify diagrams dynamically.

I spent some time setting it up properly and configuring it for my site. It looks and works great in the end. I will probably write an article about this setup as I found it quite tricky to set it up properly.

Now, I’m off to create diagrams for my new work-related blog.